Privacy & Data Protection

Dear DGS Pet products customers and visitors to the DGS website, protecting your personal data is very important to us. The following information explains which data we collect and process in connection with your use of our website.


Who is responsible for data protection on this website?

Nano Pet Products dba DGS Pet Products (hereafter: DGS), 10 Hoyt Street, Norwalk, Connecticut, United States is responsible for the processing of personal data on this website. 

You can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer via email:

Which data is processed on our website?

When you visit the DGS website your web browser sends various data to our servers. This serves only to optimize the technology, configuration, and stability of our website as well as the system security. We gather log file data, including IP addresses.

Do we pass your data on to third parties?

No. We do not pass on your data to unauthorized third parties. Furthermore, we guarantee to have the necessary contractual agreements with all external providers to protect your data and personal information.